Detailed course description:
- Short recap of VARs
- Bayesian linear regression
- Marginal likelihood, hierarchical priors.
- The independent/conjugate normal-inverse Wishart prior, Litterman/Jeffrey’s/Zellner’s prior, Theil mixed estimator
- Gibbs sampling, Monte Carlo sampling, corvengence, mixing
- Carter-Kohn algorithm, The Kim, Shepard and Chib algorithm, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Kalman filter
- VARs with time-varying volatilities.
- Large bayesian VARs, stochastic search variable selection
Markov-switching model, Hamilton Filter, MS-VAR, panel MS-VAR - Bayesian matrix autogregressive model (BMAR)
- Unobserved component models
- Bayesian nonparametric Dirichlet and Pitman-Yor process priors, finite and infinite mixture, mixture mixed VAR
- Point, density forecasts, fan charts, evaluation of forecasts
- Bayesian model averaging, density forecast combinations
Practical classes are taught in Matlab. Participants are asked to install the software before the course.
28.01.2025 – 31.01.2025
15:00-21:30 GMT+1(Warsaw, Madrid, Berlin, Rome)
9:00-15:30 EST (Boston, New York, Washington)
24 hours contact hours